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How to read a Kindletrends Newsletter

Learn how a Kindletrends newsletter works and what it can do for your author business in three minutes. Take me to the article.

A step-by-step guide to using Kindletrends newsletters to do genre research in the Kindle Store. Learn about how to research your genre, understand how story elements are communicated through blurbs and covers, and translate that into your own work.

How to Master the Kindletrends Dashboard

The Kindletrends Dashboard is a really powerful way to dig deep into researching your genre. It’s an online spreadsheet which contains all the data used to make each newsletter, presented in a format which lets you filter and sort it efficiently.

In this article I’ll give you a short overview of how you can use it, and show you some of the most valuable things you can do right away. Take me to the article.

How to use the Trend Browser

The Trend Browser in the monthly newsletters shows you immediately and with hard data what the trending and popular topics are in your genre. In this article I’ll explain how to use it and where the information comes from. Take me to the article.

A list of answers to specific technical or background questions about how Kindletrends works, what different terms mean, and how I’ve made some of the choices about how to do things.

Don’t forget to check out the Resources page for a bunch of other useful free tools for authors.